In collaboration with Iranian Association for Energy Economics(IRAEE) and Scientific Association of Defence Economics of Iran(SADEI)
Volume 6 (2022)
Volume 5 (2021)
Volume 4 (2020)
Volume 3 (2019)
Volume 2 (2018)
Volume 1 (2017)

Quarterly of Industrial Economics resarches is published by payame noor unoversity as an open access, double blind and peer review journal. The purpose of publishing this journal is to creat a platform to exchange opinion regarding recent emperical and theoretical advancement in Industrial econnomics. Also encouraging interdisciplinary studies in Economics and law to improve the quality of comling and implementing competition policies and economic regulation are among the aims of publishing this journal. Interested parties particularly Economics and law scholars, researches and graduate studies are invited to submit the results of their original researches to this journal.

Journal of Industrial Economics researches has been recognized as a  rank B scientific journal in 2022 Journal ranking held by MSRT. This journal is indexed in ISC and has an impact factor of 0.250 


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Quarterly journal of Industrial Economicd Researches(JIER) is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.


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Title: Quarterly journal of Industrial Economics Reseaches

     Reseach scope: Market Structure, Firm Strategy and market performance:   production,  Market Concentration,  cost, Economies of Scale, pricing, Monopolization Strategies, Oligopoly and Imperfect Markets, Market Power), Firm Objectives and Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Comparison of Public and private Enterprises, Privatization, Public Policy, Monoplization, Horizontal Anticompetitive Practices, Vertical Restraints, resale Price Maintenance, Legal Monopolizes, Antitrust  Policy, Economics of Regulation, Industrial Policy, Enterprise policy, Industry studies( Manufacturing, Financial serviced, Public Utilities, Governmental Policy). International Trade and Market Imperfection

Antitrust Law, Regulated Industries and administrative Law   

  • Language: Persian; including English abstracts and bibliographies
  • Start Year: October 2017
  • Average to First Decision: one Week
  • Time to Acceptance: Maximum 6 Mounth
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Place of Publication: Tehran,  Iran
  • Publisher: Payame Noor University
  • Type of Article: Based On Original Research
  • Document Type: Empirical, Theoretical and Review Articles
  • Status: Active
  • Refereed: Yes
  • Type of Access: Open Access (OA)
  • Review Policy: Peer Review and Double blind
  • Type of License:  Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0)
  • SIC Impact Factor:0.25
  • Ranking in Msrt:B
  • Plagiarism Detection Software:  Sinaweb
  • Full text access: Open Access
  • Revenue Sources: Payame Noor University Support
  • Paper Processing and Publication Fee:  No charge for submission and reviewing.  IR Rials 4000000 for Acceptance and publishing  fee
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Memoorandum Of Understanding With Iranian Association for Enery Economics

Memoorandum Of Understanding With Scientific  Association of  Defence Economic

All journal papers are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License, which permits use, sharing, adaption, distribution, and reproduction in any medium or format as long as the original author(s) and source are properly credited

 All Papers published In Industrial Economics researches are available on the internet to all users . Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited

List of Reviewers in Current and Past Volumes


Spatial Analysis of Energy Consumption Components in the Provinces of Iran

Saeed Rasekhi

Volume 7, Issue 26 , August 2024, Pages 1-16

  Identification and analysis of energy consumption components can provide opportunities to optimize energy consumption, especially if combined with spatial analysis. The main purpose of the present research is to analyze the spatial panel of the determining factors of energy consumption components (activity, ...  Read More

Industrial Economics, Structure_Conduct-Performance
Value chain development model of Iran's textile and clothing industry

Ahmad Tashkini; Afsaneh shafiei

Volume 7, Issue 26 , August 2024, Pages 17-32

  This article's objectives are to assess the current state of the textile and apparel industry's value chain by breaking it down into its component parts, identify industry challenges based on its various subsectors, and offer solutions for the industry's development and completion of its value chain ...  Read More

Industrial Economics, Structure_Conduct-Performance
Investigating the effect of environmental regulation on the green productivity of Iran's provinces

Mehdi Bahadini; zeinolabedin sadeghi; Salim Karimi Taklo

Volume 7, Issue 26 , August 2024, Pages 33-48

  At present, economic activities destroy the environment by excessive use of resources and transferring the waste of production and consumption activities to the environment. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the impact of environmental regulations on green productivity in Iran. For this purpose, ...  Read More

A Comparative Study of the Impacts of Institutions on Entrepreneurial Activities In Developed and Developing Countries

Siavash Jani; Yalda Akhgari; Mosab Abbdolahi Arani

Volume 7, Issue 26 , August 2024, Pages 49-62

  A B S T R A C T Studding the entrepreneurship literature shows that the Economic performance and the extent of entrepreneurial activities depend on the quality and different levels of institutions, and in addition, the mechanism of institutions' influence on entrepreneurial activities in developed and ...  Read More

Industrial Economics, Structure_Conduct-Performance
The impact of country risk and its components on the export of industrial goods in the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Farzad Karimi; mehdi jahanbakhsh porjabari; mostafa rajabi

Volume 7, Issue 26 , August 2024, Pages 63-84

  During the last three decades, the industrial export growth of the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has slowed down. The increase in the hidden exchange cost in the export of industrial goods through the country risk channel is known as one of the effective factors.In ...  Read More

Industrial Economics, Structure_Conduct-Performance
Investigating he optimal size of Iran's government and its Impact on Manufacturing Employment

mehdi fatemi; mohsen zayandehroody

Volume 7, Issue 26 , August 2024, Pages 85-106

  A B S T R A C T Fiscal policy is one of the most effective government means to intervene in the economy. The relationship between government intervention in the economy and macro variables such as economic growth and employment is always one of the discussed issues in economics. The impacts of fiscal ...  Read More

Investigating the Spillover Effect of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on fluctuations of various industries in the stock market in Iran

Mohammad Javad Gorjipour; Ali Akbar Naji Meydani; Taghi Ebrahimi Salari; Mehdi Behname

Volume 7, Issue 24 , July 2023, , Pages 83-102

  A B S T R A C TThis study investigates the connectedness between the dynamic fluctuations of the exchange rate uncertainty and the fluctuations of various industries in the stock market in the time and frequency range (short-term, medium-term and long-term) during the monthly period of 2013-06-2023:05 ...  Read More

Industrial Economics, Structure_Conduct-Performance
Investigating the Herding Behavior of Investors of Industrial Companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange (July 2018-July 2021)

Mostafa Heidari Haratemeh

Volume 7, Issue 25 , November 2023, , Pages 97-114

  A B S T R A C TThe existence of uncertain conditions affects the confidence level of investors, which leads to a change in approach from rational to behavioral, judgments based on subjective perceptions, non-scientific information,  rumors, and prevailing market conditions, and it causes blindly ...  Read More

Investigating the Effect of Macroeconomic Factors on Stock Returns During the Outbreak of Covid-19 (Case Study of Selected Industries of Tehran Stock Exchange)

Mohammad Javad Gorjipour; fariba osmani; Taghi Ebrahimi Salari

Volume 5, Issue 17 , January 2022, , Pages 59-70

  One of the major events of 2020 is the corona epidemic disease, which has a profound impact on the global economy and financial markets. Because stock market returns react to important events, this study examines the stock returns of food, agriculture, pharmaceutical, tourism, and hotel industries in ...  Read More

Estimation and Forecasting Gasoline Demand in Transport Sector By PLSR Method

Hasan Tahsili; Yusef Mehnatfar; Mohammad Javad Gorjipour

Volume 2, Issue 6 , February 2019, , Pages 89-105

  Energy supply is one of the most important areas of economic and social development of each country and always has been raised as a key component of development planning. The demand for Gasoline in the transportation sector also reflects the needs of energy consumers for this system.Thus, Partial Least ...  Read More

Evalution the Structure of Iran’s Food and Beverage Industry: Parametric and Nonparametric Approaches

Samaneh Norani Azad; Marziyeh Eshaghi Gorji; Somayyeh shaterie

Volume 1, Issue 2 , January 2017, , Pages 53-64

  The main aim of this article is to evaluate market structure dominant in food and beverage industry by using the non-structural Panzar-Rosseapproach and non-parametric Herfindahl indicators and concentration ratio of four superior firms. For this purpose, the data of 22 active idustries ofthe four-digit ...  Read More

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