با همکاری مشترک دانشگاه پیام نور و انجمن اقتصاد دفاع ایران و انجمن اقتصاد انرژی ایران

Document Type : applicative




The prevalence of Covid-19 disease has affected almost all countries in the world, and in addition to creating a wave of infection and mortality in most countries, it has affected their economic outcomes. However, the consequences of this disease are more severe and complex for the Iranian economy, which is also facing US sanctions. Due to the impact of Corona virus on the industrial sector, it is necessary to examine its effects and consequences using a general equilibrium framework (social accounting matrix). Accordingly, according to the latest social accounting matrix in 1390, this study has been done. According to the results, the disease affects all economic sectors. As a result of this impulse, industry GDP in the first and second months decreases by 9 to 14 percentage points, which is difficult to repair in the coming months. Proposed policies to overcome the current situation include: Tax rebates or exemptions for affected firms; Forgiveness of premiums for injured units; Extension of the period of payment of utility bills, water, electricity, gas and other municipal services for the affected guilds and businesses; Delaying and providing respite regarding bank installments of trade unions and damaged businesses.


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