با همکاری مشترک دانشگاه پیام نور و انجمن اقتصاد دفاع ایران و انجمن اقتصاد انرژی ایران

Document Type : applicative


1 economic

2 Assistant professor, Economic, Allameh Tabatabai University


The characteristics of the export basket, which is related to the export technology content, have been considered by economists in recent years, Exports based on technology-oriented industries, due to high value added and to be effective on other economic sectors, are the most important drivers of economic growth, especially in developed countries. Iran also needs to upgrade the export technology content in order to develop industrial exports, and to advance its economic goals. The technology content of export is affected by product quality, research and development and export share and is made according to OECD based on research and development intensity. Given the effective role that technology content plays in export development and economic growth, This paper is done with the aim of analyzing technology content of export at the level of four-digit ISIC and tow-digit ISIC codes during 2011 to 2015. Obtained results indicate that the variables of human capital, GDP capital, trade openness and Intra-industry trade index have a positive and significant effect on the export technology content of two-digit ISIC code industries. and the human capital has the greatest effect on the  export technology content index.


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