In collaboration with Iranian Association for Energy Economics(IRAEE) and Scientific Association of Defence Economics of Iran(SADEI)

Document Type : modeling


This study intends to analyze the factors affecting the profitability of the manufacturing industries with different levels of technology (high-tech and low-tech industries) by using theoretical principles obtained from microeconomic optimization process during 1375 to 1387. The impacts of  factor such as R & D, advertising, intensity,concentration and barriers to entry on productivity are considered in this study.The effect of these factors on the profitability of the industries in each of the technological levels were examined by using a panel-data approach. The results showed that all these factors have a positive impact on the profitability of high-tech industries and have  negative, insignificant, negative, positive and positive impact on low-tech industries respectively.The reason of negative impact of advertising and research expenditure on the  Profitability  of low-tech industries can be considered costly and time-consuming and excessive imports of similar goods. On the other hand, competitive behavior of this level of industries, leads to an opposite effect of  concentration on profit.


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