In collaboration with Iranian Association for Energy Economics(IRAEE) and Scientific Association of Defence Economics of Iran(SADEI)

Document Type : applicative



In this study the effects of Structural factors such as concentration, entry Barriers, product differentiation and economies of scale on profitability and performance of banking industry will be examined.For this purpose, a system of simultaneous equation containing three behavioral,functional and structural equations were estimated.Using 3SLS Method. The Results indicate that there is an inverse (U) shape relation between concentration and advertisement. In other words, intermediate and high level of concentration the advertisement intensity is low,high an low respectively. Considering estimated structural equation, we find that the economies of scale have a positive and significant effect on the degree of concentration in Iran's banking industry.Also, advertisement can increase the concentration. Unexpectedly, more profitability can not be led to more concentration in Iran’s banking industry. Findings show that economies of scale, Product differentiation and entry barriers have positive effects on profitability of Iran’s banking systems and despite in spiel of the theoretical expectations ,result also shown that concentration has negative effect on profitability


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