با همکاری مشترک دانشگاه پیام نور و انجمن اقتصاد دفاع ایران و انجمن اقتصاد انرژی ایران

Document Type : applicative


1 department of economics, management and economics faculty.science and research branch, Islamic azad university, Tehran.Iran

2 Professor of Economics, Science and researches branch, Islamic Azad university of Iran

3 Associate Professor of Economics, Science and researches branch, Islamic Azad university of Iran


This paper evaluates the effects of price regulation  of housing energy and transport fuels on houshold demand in 10 separate quantilesby quantile regression approach.  According to the results, the sign of the own price elasticity is theoretically expected. These two categories of goods are the Hicks-Allen Substitutes and if the consumer is compensated, it is expected that increasing the price of one group of goods increases the demand for another group of goods. Meanwhile these 2 groups of energy have appeared as a luxury good in all quantiles. Also The highest percentage of consumption reduction due to a 1 percent increase in fuel price is in quantile 1 that is the households in the lowest consumption quintile and the least one is for quantile 8 that is the high consumption quantile . But the least percentage of consumption reduction of housing energy after compensation is in low consumption quantile 2 and the most one is for high consumption quantile 7.


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