In collaboration with Iranian Association for Energy Economics(IRAEE) and Scientific Association of Defence Economics of Iran(SADEI)

Document Type : applicative


Ph.D of Economics, Payam-e-Noor University,Iran


Electricity distribution and transmission are among the natural monopolies, especially at the local level. This activity is regulated in most countries by the regulatory bodies. Price cap is one of the regulating methods that emphasize the motivation of firms. In the price cap approach, the regulator seeks to provide incentives for increasing the efficiency of firms and power industry. The firm's efficiency and productivity are then measured to determine the target productivity rate to include in the price cap formula. While using the data from 39 Iranian Electricity Distribution Companies for the period 2007-2009, parametric and non-parametric methods were applied to measure the efficiency ratio of the electricity sector in Iran. The results indicate that during the period under review, the efficiency of Iran's electricity distribution was between 0.67 and 0.92. Research findings also show that Tabriz, Tehran, Ahwaz, North Khorasan and Semnan electricity distribution companies have the best performance in terms of efficiency.


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