In collaboration with Iranian Association for Energy Economics(IRAEE) and Scientific Association of Defence Economics of Iran(SADEI)

Document Type : applicative


Professor in Economics, Department of Energy Economics, University of Mazandaran, Iran



Identification and analysis of energy consumption components can provide opportunities to optimize energy consumption, especially if combined with spatial analysis. The main purpose of the present research is to analyze the spatial panel of the determining factors of energy consumption components (activity, intensity and structure) for 31 provinces of Iran. For this purpose, first, with the factor analysis approach, energy consumption was decomposed by using the latest available data during the period of 2011-2017, and then, using spatial panel data regression, the determining factors of the components of energy consumption in the provinces were investigated. Based on the findings, firstly, Spatial Durbin Model has been selected as the optimal spatial model. Secondly, value added(activity index), industry share(structure index) and urbanization share have direct and significant spillover effects on energy consumption components. The positive effect of industry's share on structural and intensity components can be caused by changing the economic structure towards energy-intensive and low-tech activities. As expected, technical efficiency has a negative and significant effect on the intensity component of energy consumption, and in this regard, spatial effects have strengthened the direct effect. Based on the results, it is recommended to pay attention to the spatial structure of the provinces in energy planning. Secondly, it is recommended to improve the efficiency of economic activities and human capital. Emphasizing the intensity and structural components in order to reduce energy consumption can neutralize the positive effects of variables such as urbanization.


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