In collaboration with Iranian Association for Energy Economics(IRAEE) and Scientific Association of Defence Economics of Iran(SADEI)

Document Type : applicative


Associate professor, Institute for Trade and Studies Research, Tehran, Iran.



This article's objectives are to assess the current state of the textile and apparel industry's value chain by breaking it down into its component parts, identify industry challenges based on its various subsectors, and offer solutions for the industry's development and completion of its value chain in order to increase its competitiveness. This industry can be considered important due to its low capital intensity and ability to meet all three of the country's goals of industrial production, development (employment), and foreign exchange; Its 8.2% share of industrial enterprises (10 employees and above), 7.3% share of industrial employment, and 3.5% share of fixed capital formation demonstrate this. The study's conclusions demonstrate that the main issues facing Iran's textile and apparel sector are related to the value chain's fragility as well as the inadequacies of the regulations that are supposed to encourage it. The development of the textile and clothing industries in Iran is facilitated by policies and executive mechanisms that include re-engineering the value chain's structure to maximize the benefits of internal content, facilitating the transfer of technology and equipment to this sector, and outfitting it with ancillary and support services. This is what recommended in this article.


Main Subjects

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